Reports With Grading
Traditionally, vehicle inspections were with pen and paper, often resulting in inconsistent and/or incomplete recording, reporting and tracking of a vehicle condition.
Our Vehicle Inspection Report™ software transforms the old, paper-based vehicle inspection process into a “real-time” data stream that provides storage, reporting and data distribution capabilities your auction needs to be competitive in today’s market.
How to Increase Sales With VIR™
Lost revenue from not providing a “Vehicle Inspection Report”:*
Vehicle Inspection = $35(average) x 400 units (average/month) = $14,000 / month Lost sales due to lack of CR (65 units x $375 (average sale fee)) = $24,375 / month Total revenue loss per month (estimated) = $38,375 / month
* Please note all numbers are based on real live auction data from our clients who utilize the VIR to remarket their dealers inventory.

Benefits of VIR™
- Build consumer confidence by providing highly accurate and detailed information about the true condition of the vehicle.
- Attract “non local” buyers.
- Reduce post sale complaints and arbitration claims.
- Remarket the vehicles on the most popular auctions like OVE, Adesa and SmartAuction.
- Increase sales as a direct result of providing the transparency dealers need to make informed decisions.
- Generate additional revenues by offering on and offsite Vehicle Inspections.

Features of VIR™

Scan and Decode
Add Damage
Enter Pricing
* The level of detail our VIR™ provides is not available with any other system on the market today.
** Our software is designed to work on a number of different platforms and devices some of which utilize built in 2d or 3d barcode scanners or externally connected via Bluetooth.